Tracking Git Commits With Google Calendar

Tracking Git Commits With Google Calendar

I’m used to recording down most things I’ve done on daily basis, with the help of some time management applications like Google Calendar, I can manage those records centrally.

Once we’ve chosen the right tool, we can now concentrate on tasks we need to accomplish. But tracking things one by one regardless of their importance may be quite boring, especially those things have little significances but composed of your daily activities and have to be recorded. Since human’s will is another kind of precious resource, if we can not obtain us a sense of achievement from one thing, we would soon lose interest in it.

Code commits like git commits are that kind of activities we need not be recorded in our logs, but they are truly parts of our working activities, so let them automatically written down in our logs would make our life more interesting.

The good news is with the help of some utilities, we can easily achieve this goal. There are two distinct methods: services like Zapier and protocol like Webhook, each has its own characteristic.

With Zapier, we don’t need to write codes, but to fill in some settings. To choose the project we currently work on, we need to set the git repository and branch, to write down to the calendar in write format, we need to fill in the calendar name, event title, and event description. Once we have finished all the configurations, Zapier will run the task period to check if the branch got a new commit, if so, Zapier will create a new event to the calendar.

Set up GitLab Commit

Set up Calendar

With Webhook, we may need to write our own web service, for example, GitLab supports the Webhook feature, it will access the Webhook URL we write down with the specific parameters based on different kind of events like push or merge. after the Webhook service has been visited, we can write down that commit to the calendar.

The Calendar View

The Calendar Detail View (with the same style commit message as git command line tool)

The two method can make things done well, If you just want to achieve your goal as fast and simple as possible, you can choose Zapier, because it only needs a few clicks, but if you need more challenges and make everything under control, you can write you own Webhook service, that’s all depend on your flavor.

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